Posts Tagged ‘cars’

It’s really quite simple. Think about this – when was the last time you let a car in, in front of you when driving? Or, are you like most drivers, as soon as you see a car inching in, you accelerate, and close the gap? Or, even worse, you close the gap as soon as you see a car signalling a lane change.

Ever wonder why drivers, like you even, don’t signal when changing lanes? Well, either you’re from Montreal, or like most, you know the car next to you will not let you in, so you bud in instead. Signalling has become a way for drivers to “signal” their intention, and reminds the other car, it’s time to speed up so the signalling car can’t get in. This jockeying for position drives car accidents. And it’s completely avoidable.

It all makes perfectly logical sense, and you know it does, because all you need to do is drive, and you know what I’m talking about. Next time someone tries to horn in on the space in front of you, let them in – if their signal is on. No signal, I’m with you, forget-about-it. Even worse, and here’s the source code of the problem – when you let someone in, they should waive as a courtesy — much like you would say thank you when someone opens the door for you (maybe you would – my experience shows strangers only say thank you about 50% of the time – I always say “you’re welcome” regardless).

The fact that today, especially in larger cities, most drivers do not waive when they’re let in, is really the “driver” behind all the bad behaviour on the road. If people would show some simple courtesy (yes, it involves putting your Blackberry down for 3 seconds), pick up their hand and waive when let in, more drivers would let cars in.

Before you know it, drivers will signal, other drivers will let the signalling car in, and a driver will waive thank you. Accidents will drop, road rage will drop.

Everyone’s happy. Well, except for the guy who got home 3 seconds later than planned because he let someone in!